Senate experts are in high demand. Here are 13 Capitol Hill and K-Street veterans advising some of the most powerful companies and groups on how to squeeze their priorities into Biden's $4 trillion infrastructure and economic plan.

Bill Dauster, the chief counsel for Sen. Bernie Sanders' budget committee

Bill Dauster, right, on December 1, 2015, was the deputy chief of staff for former Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid.
AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Dauster is widely considered the master of reconciliation. He spent more than 30 years working on the Hill and literally wrote the book on the budget process, called " Budget Process Law Annotated ."

In February, Sanders brought Dauster, 63, out of retirement and onto his team at the Senate Budget Committee he chairs to help him convince MacDonough that gradually increasing the minimum wage to $15 an hour should pass under reconciliation.

Dauster asked the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office to score the budgetary effect of raising the minimum wage. The agency determined the policy could increase federal spending by $54 billion over 11 years, in part because workers paid by federal programs would see their salaries go up.

Despite Dauster's efforts, the argument failed with MacDonough. She advised that the $15 minimum wage ran afoul of reconciliation rules.

"I was proud to have argued the case for the minimum wage in reconciliation," Dauster tweeted February 25 about the decision. "The parliamentarian decided incorrectly."

Regardless, Democrats lacked the 51 votes they needed to pass a $15 minimum wage. There wasn't enough support within their ranks, and Republicans were opposed to the change.

Dauster will still have a lot of work in the months ahead to help Democrats move their next priorities. His job will be to argue that Democrats' proposals fit the reconciliation framework, meaning they'd have a significant and direct influence on federal spending.

Dauster's experience comes from working for the Clinton administration and his time as the deputy chief of staff for policy for Sen. Harry Reid, a Democrat of Nevada and former majority leader.

He received his undergraduate degree in international relations, political science, and economics from the University of Southern California and returned there for his master's in economics. He earned his law degree from Columbia Law School.

Joe Donnelly, a lobbyist at Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld LLP

Former Sen. Joe Donnelly on November 6, 2018.
AP Photo/Michael Conroy

Donnelly represented Indiana in Congress for 12 years, six of them in the upper chamber. He was in the Senate when Republicans muscled their 2017 tax-cuts bill through Congress using reconciliation and has worked up close with MacDonough.

"Parliamentarian McDonough is incredibly talented and deeply respected by everyone in the Senate," he told Insider. "She is also viewed as totally fair, with no partisan lean to her decisions — she goes by the book."

He and MacDonough even liked to talk about Washington Nationals baseball during a lull on the Senate floor, he said.

Today, he advises clients about reconciliation for Akin Gump, where he says queries about the matter have increased since the Georgia Senate runoffs, when it became obvious Democrats had clinched a razor-thin majority that would require some legislative magic to get things done.

"Work has been very busy with reconciliation, as everyone wants to know how things might play out," he said.

Donnelly received his undergraduate degree in government and his law degree from the University of Notre Dame.

Brendan Dunn, a lobbyist at Akin Gump

Brendan Dunn.
Courtesy Akin Group

Dunn helped shepherd the Republican tax cuts into law under reconciliation during President Donald Trump's first year in office.

During his time on the Hill, he was a senior advisor to then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and advised Senate Republican leadership on tax, trade, financial-services, and retirement matters. He said the Georgia runoffs that gave Democrats a narrow majority in the Senate "changed everything" when it came to Akin Gump's focus.

"Simply put, none of the president's tax agenda would be on the table if the Republicans had won just one of those seats," Dunn told Insider.

He predicted that the tax portion of the bill would be the hardest to pass — but not because of reconciliation.

"As we saw with the rescue plan, spending money is relatively easy. Raising taxes is hard," he said. "I think as the business and individual tax increases are better understood, you are seeing increasing skittishness among Democrats about the financing of the family and jobs plans."

Dunn received his undergraduate degree in history from the College of the Holy Cross. He earned a master's from Fordham University and Ph.D. from the University of Notre Dame, both in political science. He received a law degree from Georgetown University Law Center.

Chay English, a lobbyist at BGR Group

Chay English was the chief of staff for Rep. Terri Sewell, a Democrat of Alabama.
Courtesy BGR Group

English told Insider his clients had turned their attention toward infrastructure because they know it'll be a "once-in-a-generation type of investment."

He added that Democrats were defining the term "infrastructure" broadly. They aren't just promising to restore crumbling roads, bridges, and ports but also to support the nation's workforce through childcare, caregiving, and paid leave. That means there's a broad coalition of companies and organizations who are paying attention.

"Everyone has skin in the game on an infrastructure package," English said.

The tax increases in the plan are considered to be the most controversial aspects of Biden's plan among both Republicans and centrist Democrats, English said.

Biden has proposed raising the corporate-tax rate from 21% to 28% and increasing taxes on people making more than $400,000 a year. Conservative Democratic senators like Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia have said they'd favor increasing the corporate-tax rate to 25%, and the White House appears willing to compromise .

"No one wants to be viewed as raising taxes in an economic recovery," English said. "That is not a label anyone feels comfortable with."

He predicted that Biden's call to include the Protecting the Right to Unionize Act in the bill "might not fit nicely into a reconciliation bill." That's because under Senate rules, a policy must pertain directly and significantly to the federal budget to pass under reconciliation.

The PRO Act would make it easier for workers to organize without company interference and for unions to collect dues.

Before joining BGR, English worked on Capitol Hill for nearly a decade, including as the chief of staff for Rep. Terri Sewell, a Democrat of Alabama. He received his undergraduate degree in African American studies from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and received his law degree from the University of Alabama School of Law.

Rich Gold, a lobbyist for Holland & Knight

Rich Gold advised former Sen. Lloyd Bentsen, a Democrat of Texas, on environmental issues.
Courtesy Holland & Knight

Gold has been with the firm for 25 years and leads its public-policy and regulation group, where he has helped clients navigate reconciliation numerous times.

"No question it's busier as major companies and other stakeholders are prepping for 50 — versus 60 — vote scenarios on many major issues, especially tax changes," he said of his work lately.

Gold said that much of the policy underlying the transportation piece of Biden's economic-recovery proposal would be difficult to pass under reconciliation, "which is why the administration is working so hard to have some of the infrastructure bill be bipartisan."

Some provisions easily fit reconciliation, including adding money into existing programs, raising taxes, and reducing spending in different areas. Creating new programs is harder, he said.

Gold cited examples like Biden's electrification effort and many of the climate-crisis proposals. Adding billions of dollars into the Highway Trust Fund, for example, would not be a problem.

"The issue is the changes to policy that accompany that, tweaking the programs to make them more climate-friendly and focused on resilience and being able to withstand adverse climate," he said.

Gold was an environmental advisor for former Sen. Lloyd Bentsen, a Democrat of Texas, and a special assistant to the Environmental Protection Agency during the Clinton administration. He received his undergraduate degree in business administration from the University of Vermont and his law degree from George Washington University Law School.

G. William Hoagland, a senior vice president at Bipartisan Policy Center

Bill Hoagland was the director of budget and appropriations in the office of then-Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist.
Courtesy Bipartisan Policy Center

There have been a total of 22 enacted reconciliation bills in the history of Congress. Hoagland was involved in 18 of them — including the first one in 1980. At the time, Hoagland worked for the newly established Congressional Budget Office.

He also was a longtime GOP budget aide who sparred with Dauster for years from the other side of the aisle. Journalists frequently tap his expertise on reconciliation today, as do energy and healthcare advocacy groups, he told Insider.

Hoagland predicted certain provisions in Biden's plan could pass using reconciliation, including extending the childcare tax credit and provisions related to health-insurance premiums. He also said he thought reconciliation would work to fund $400 billion in caregiver services but that a related provision to raise healthcare workers' wages to $15 an hour probably wouldn't survive.

Anything related to licensing, redlining, and environmental regulations "would be very difficult to put into a reconciliation bill," he said, adding that they fell into what is known as "regulatory administrative actions" rather than budget-specific issues.

Hoagland was in the Senate for 25 years, including as the director of budget and appropriations in the office of then-Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and the director of the Senate Budget Committee under former Sen. Pete Domenici, a Republican of New Mexico.

After leaving the Senate, he became the vice president of public policy for the health insurer Cigna. He joined the Bipartisan Policy Center in 2012.

Hoagland attended the US Merchant Marine Academy and holds degrees from Purdue University and Pennsylvania State University.

Muftiah McCartin, a lobbyist at Covington

Muftiah McCartin was the first woman to hold the position of assistant parliamentarian in the House.
Courtesy of Covington

McCartin was the first woman to hold the position of assistant parliamentarian in the House. She went on to work as a House staffer for Democrats in the chamber's rules committee and appropriations committee.

Today, she cochairs Covington's public-policy practice. She told Insider that her work on reconciliation was more difficult in 2009 and 2017, when clients wanted to know about the Affordable Care Act. Portions of the healthcare law passed through reconciliation under President Barack Obama, and then Republicans tried to use reconciliation to repeal the law in 2017 under Trump. They failed to gain enough support within their party.

"Today, the trick to Byrd Rule analysis is predicting how the Congressional Budget Office will score the provision in question," McCartin said. "Working closely with Covington's regulatory lawyers, we can help assess how the CBO will view a particular provision."

During the coronavirus pandemic, Covington has advised businesses on how to navigate trillions of dollars in new federal programs Congress established, including for companies that "rarely had DC in their sights," McCartin said.

McCartin received her undergraduate degree in political science through the University Without Walls program offered by Northeastern Illinois University and earned a law degree from Georgetown Law.

Brian McKeon, a lobbyist at Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck

Brian McKeon formerly was the legislative director and acting chief of staff for Sen. Jeanne Shaheen.
Courtesy Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck

McKeon worked for Sen. Barbara Boxer, a Democrat of California, during the crafting of the Affordable Care Act. Just like back then, he said, Democratic staffers on the Hill today are about to have "all hands on deck" to pass their infrastructure and economic-recovery bills.

"Democrats in the current Congress appear to be remembering the lessons of that era," he said of the passage of the ACA. "The Senate is not a static body, and you have to take advantage of the vote counts when you have them. And you have to turn over every stone to make it happen."

McKeon worked with MacDonough and said she and her team "are all blessed with Herculean levels of patience" and "put in a ton of work to reach their decisions."

"The first time I went in there to argue germaneness of an amendment, I was certain I was right and had all my arguments prepared — I wasn't — but Elizabeth took five minutes to explain to me why I was wrong," he said. "And I learned more in that conversation than I did from reading Riddick's or any other Senate rule book."

McKeon has been with Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck for almost five years. In January, he wrote a tip sheet for clients about how reconciliation works.

"Clients have been inquiring about reconciliation pretty consistently since the minute the Georgia Senate runoffs were called, and it hasn't stopped much since," McKeon said.

A lot of the difficulty for Democrats will be acknowledging that some of the policies will have to be temporary to pass under the reconciliation rules, McKeon added, including moving policies around so they fit under the price tag they set.

"Every committee chair is looking at how they might be able to modify their bills to pass Byrd Rule muster, but in making those changes, do you forsake the long-lasting impact of the bill as initially designed? Are there unintended consequences? Do you lose votes in the process? I think this debate plays out most with respect to the climate-change provisions of the American Jobs Plan," he said.

McKeon's other experience on the Hill includes working as a legislative director and the acting chief of staff for Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, a Democrat of New Hampshire. He also worked on the Shaheen and Boxer campaigns, as well as the Obama campaign.

He received his undergraduate degree in political science and history from the College of the Holy Cross and his law degree from the Columbus School of Law at the Catholic University of America.

Joshua Odintz, a lobbyist at Holland & Knight

Joshua Odintz previously worked in the Treasury Department.
Courtesy Holland & Knight

Odintz is a tax expert who previously worked with the Treasury Department during the Obama administration and the Senate Finance Committee. While in Congress, he worked on the Affordable Care Act.

Today, Odintz is busy advising clients on tax policy as Biden proposes a rate hike for the wealthy and corporations. Odintz said business was now "as busy as 2017," when Republicans passed a sweeping tax bill that included lowering taxes on corporations to 21%.

Odintz's other government experience includes being the chief tax counsel to the President's National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform under Obama. He received his law degree from the California Western School of Law and his undergraduate degree in political science from the University of California, San Diego.

David Stewart, a lobbyist at Squire Patton Boggs

David Stewart served as the staff director for the House Ways and Means Committee in 2017.
Courtesy Squire Patton Boggs

Stewart was the House Ways and Means Committee staff director for Republicans in 2017, where he helped them use reconciliation for their 2017 tax overhaul bill.

Before that, he helped Republicans use reconciliation for their Affordable Care Act "repeal and replace" bill. The legislation ultimately withered because of political — not procedural — hurdles. It failed to reach the support of enough Senate Republicans, including Sen. John McCain of Arizona.

Now every week, Stewart advises clients about what's possible and not possible under reconciliation. He's also cited in the media on the issue and helps advise other colleagues at Squire Patton Boggs, where he has been working for more than three years.

"There is not really an off-the-shelf easy Reader's Digest version that people can just pick up and make sense of very quickly," Stewart, a former policy director to House Speaker John Boehner, told Insider of reconciliation.

He said he had expected MacDonough to advise against raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour but didn't spot any similar red flags with Biden's latest proposals. But he added that "it appears to me there will need to be a lot of creative thinking" for some of the discretionary-spending provisions to pass.

Stewart said that it had a busy season, with reconciliation-specific queries pouring in soon after the Georgia Senate runoffs.

"To say it has been at a breakneck pace for a long while would be an understatement," he said.

He received his degree in political science and government from San Diego State University.

Robb Walton, a lobbyist at BGR Group

Robb Walton worked as senior health-policy advisor and counsel for Sen. Bill Cassidy, a Republican of Louisiana.
Courtesy of BGR Group

Walton, who works with corporate healthcare clients, said he thought lowering the Medicare eligibility from 65 to 60, or even 55, could "easily go through reconciliation" and that it would be "one of the most significant health-coverage expansions in recent history."

While it's a priority for Sanders and other progressives, neither Democratic leaders nor Biden have called for it as part of the recovery plans.

Walton told Insider that he knew his work would be busy with reconciliation this year as soon as it was clear in January that Democrats were going to have a majority in the Senate.

"Some of the Democrat proposals have profound impacts on some of the industries we represent," he said. "We spend hours on the phone with executives of many of our corporate clients trying to provide the menu of policies they should consider planning for versus those policies that get a lot of attention but are unlikely to make it through the process."

Before joining the private sector, Walton worked on the GOP side of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee when the ACA passed.

"This was my first exposure to the reconciliation process and really shows how budget process can drive policy development," he said.

Walton developed health-IT and mental-health policies that were signed into law as part of the 21st Century Cures Act, bipartisan legislation that Obama signed into law.

He received his undergraduate degree in history from the University of Maryland, his master's in American government from Georgetown University, and his law degree from the American University Washington College of Law.

Jim Sartucci, a lobbyist at K&L Gates

As a legislative aide on Capitol Hill, Jim Sartucci worked mostly on transportation legislation.
Courtesy K&L Gates

Sartucci is a former legislative aide to Sen. Trent Lott, a Republican of Mississippi and the former majority leader and whip. While on Capitol Hill, he worked mostly on transportation legislation, including Amtrak reauthorization and rail-infrastructure bills.

He also was on staff in 2001 when Lott fired Robert Dove, the parliamentarian at the time, after Dove's recommendations made it harder for Republicans to pass President George W. Bush's budget and tax proposal.

Sartucci has recently been advising his team at K&L Gates about reconciliation.

"We have had a lot of discussions about the way in the last Congress the reconciliation process was working and how it might work this year, what it might mean for the very large packages the administration wants to pass," he said.

Sartucci predicted the policies that ultimately get included in the economic recovery bill would come down to what Manchin wants to accept , even more than deciding what fits the reconciliation rules.

"The president will have whatever patience he needs to get Joe Manchin to vote for something," he said. "He has no other choice."

Sartucci also worked on the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation and spent 17 years as a commissioned officer in the US Coast Guard.

He received his undergraduate degree in physical science from the US Coast Guard Academy and his master's in public administration from George Washington University.

Todd Wooten, a lobbyist at Holland & Knight

Todd Wooten served as the legislative director for Sen. Debbie Stabenow, a Democrat of Michigan.
Courtesy Holland & Knight

Wooten served on three Senate committees for four different lawmakers, including as the senior counsel for energy and tax on the Senate Finance Committee and legislative director for Sen. Debbie Stabenow, a Democrat of Michigan.

At Holland & Knight, some of his corporate clients include T-Mobile, Smithfield, and Mitsubishi Power Americas.

"We've had major pieces of legislation move in the form of relief packages, and every client is concerned the next one could be the last one," he said. "So it's been a lot of pressure without a lot of downtime."

Wooten said the "tricky part" of reconciliation would come when Democrats want to link a tax credit or other type of payment to a completely separate section of the code outlining the policy they're trying to support.

"That kind of shows your hand to the parliamentarian, and typically, those types of provisions are frowned upon," he said. "In any case, I think holding all 50 votes will be hard enough even before you get into what can or cannot survive the Byrd Rule."

Wooten said that top staffers on the Hill had "nothing but good things to say" about MacDonough.

"Amongst the folks who have been up there a while, seen a lot of things, her reputation is by and large outstanding," he said. "That is a very, very rare thing on the Hill."

Wooten received his undergraduate degree in history and English from Hendrix College and his law degree from the Arkansas University School of Law.

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