Introducing Todd Young, the most important senator you've never heard of

The former high-school soccer star stepped onto a lush green field at his alma mater, ready to go one on one with a reporter. It was a chilly spring Friday afternoon in the tony northside Indianapolis suburb of Carmel. Wearing a long-sleeved T-shirt, shorts, and a pair of white-and-black Nikes, Republican Sen. Todd Young still resembled the Naval Academy soccer player he was in the 1990s. In another life, he has said, he might have gone pro. Instead, he became a Washington dealmaker, not quite a Trumpist, but definitely not a moderate, a Midwestern senator who seems to take quiet pleasure in wrong-footing the rest of the DC Beltway. He's one of the few members of the GOP to score an invite to the Joe Biden White House, a retweet from the Democratic president's national security advisor, and private meetings with the "shadow" secretary of State, Delaware Sen. Chris Coons.

That Friday, Young warmed up by standing in front of the goal and taking lofted passes from the corner of the field. I duffed my first cross, sending him a worm burner.

"You can delete that one," I said to one of his aides, who filmed our on-the-field interview from the sidelines.

"It depends on how balanced your reporting is intended to be," Young said, a wry grin spreading across his face.

We've come to the Hoosier senator's old Carmel High School stomping grounds. He won a state soccer championship here in 1989. Now 48, Young wakes up every morning and does Insanity and P90X workouts. On a recent day in the Capitol, a reporter saw him sprinting as if he sprung from starting blocks from the Senate subway to a destination unknown in his black Cole Haan dress sneakers. Another journalist once described Young as looking like a "more athletic version of actor William H. Macy," which, to be honest, holds up.

In a COVID-safe, socially distanced interview, we talked about everything from whether he can work with the Biden administration on foreign policy and infrastructure to what he learned from studying Midwestern agrarian economies while earning his master's degree from the School of Advanced Study in London. "The takeaways are analogous to what we're going through right now: increased capital investment, increased productivity, fewer employment opportunities in certain sectors, depopulation of certain towns, changing patterns of life, and a real cultural struggle to address these new cadences of life," Young said.

Young is a wonky senator. He speaks in full paragraphs and frequently cites the challenges of a "fourth industrial revolution" — the idea that the rise of artificial intelligence, automation, and biological advancements will change society the way the industrial revolution did — and the work of Klaus Schwab , the German engineer and chairman of the World Economic Forum. His eyes lit up when he talked about how the Republican Party can address issues such as urbanization.

We're also here because Young thinks sports can play a role in healing America's partisan divide — a nod to the days of the pre-Trump GOP when a president could toss out the first pitch on Opening Day or invite the Super Bowl winner to the White House without triggering a full-blown culture war. A few weeks ago, as the NCAA March Madness tournament tipped off in his own backyard of Indianapolis, Young delivered a speech on the Senate floor underscoring how sports could help unify the country. "Today, it increasingly seems that Americans have less and less in common with one another," he said. "That we're not defining ourselves as a diverse nation, united by a common set of values, with a shared past and a shared future, but we're instead sorting ourselves into tribes based on geography or class or even political affiliation." He spoke of "making America whole again."

Bipartisanship is in Young's DNA: He got his first gig on the Hill as an aide to the late foreign-policy giant Republican Sen. Richard Lugar by citing his sub-17-minute 5K in a job interview (Lugar was a distance runner and expected staffers to join him). Lugar was a conciliatory figure in a different type of Washington, a friend to the senator who would become the first Black president, Barack Obama. A large portion of Lugar's congeniality remains with Young.

Playing soccer with the senator, aides assured me, was the best window into Young. Often seen flanking the then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in pressers last year, Young is the ultimate inside player, the rare senator who has juice with both Republicans and Democrats in Biden's Washington.

Young is not running for president in 2024. He doesn't grace Washington's virtual green rooms. But he's quietly effective. Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation? Young was the behind-the-scenes operator who made that happen for the judge from South Bend, lobbying Trump and fellow senators on her controversial preelection nomination in 2020 and guiding her through her move to DC. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg's bipartisan confirmation? Young was behind that, too, introducing and vouching for his fellow Hoosier (who, in an alternate universe, might have been the only Indiana Democrat who could've given Young a run for his money in 2022). The next big bipartisan effort to counter an ascendant China? Young is lurking in the background, back-channeling with Senate Democratic leaders and the new occupants of the White House.

No party has a monopoly on good ideas, and I think it's important to remember that. Todd Young

In a time of hyperpartisanship, Young is the rare Republican who doesn't want to own the libs, but works with them to pass legislation. That includes the $100 billion Endless Frontier Act, a bill expected to be introduced this month aimed at checking China's economic and technological influence. He developed that proposal with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer while chatting in the exclusive senators-only locker room, after Schumer's 7 a.m. workout on the stationary bike, which he rides for an hour and a half. The irony: Young was trying to defend the GOP's slim Senate majority as chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee while hatching the legislation with the man who ended up replacing McConnell as the chamber's leader following the Democrats' 2020 takeover. In his first term as a senator, the former three-term House member routinely ranks high on The Lugar Center–McCourt School Bipartisan Index , a nonpartisan outfit named after his former boss that evaluates bills cosponsored and signed into law.

"No party has a monopoly on good ideas, and I think it's important to remember that," Young told me. "I'm also oftentimes approached to cosponsor thoughtful, creative, and constructive legislation because I've dug my well before I'm thirsty — that is, develop those personal relationships with my colleagues before needing them. I've not done that, in the main, not because of calculated transactional reasons, but, instead, because it's just respectful, and I think it's good to work with others in the workplace, irrespective of their policy, and frankly it's the only way to get things done in a body where you need 60 votes."

Todd Young and fellow Hoosier Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.
Stefani Reynolds/Getty Images

Still, Young is no centrist like GOP Sen. Susan Collins of Maine. Back home in Indiana, where his aides fear a Republican primary challenger in 2022 more than a Democratic candidate in the November general election, Hoosier Democrats paint him as a Trump lackey and a partisan. "He doesn't act like a statesman at home," a top Indiana Democrat told me. "He tries to present himself as one, but he's not. You can't be in that [NRSC] job and be a statesman — you're a fucking hack. He voted against impeachment twice. By the Mitt Romney standard, he failed miserably." Young aides point out that Lugar once held the same position.

On the soccer field that Friday, as my second pass approached him, Young threw his body up in the air, nearly parallel to the ground, and, with his right foot, scissor-kicked the ball into the back of the net.

Such acrobatic maneuvers are routine for the stalwart conservative senator from barn-red Indiana off the field too. Negative partisanship is a hell of a drug, and it's just as popular in Indiana as it is elsewhere. A Republican working with Democrats — and messaging that back home — takes a certain kind of political athleticism. Through it all, he's trying to avoid the mistakes of Lugar, his former boss and mentor, who was unceremoniously dethroned amid the tea party's rise in a 2012 Republican primary for not being back home enough and because of his well-established penchant for forging relationships with Democrats. It's all part of what makes Young the most important senator that you have never heard of.

On the morning of January 6, dressed in his M-1965 field jacket from his Marine Corps days, Young met with a group of Election Day truthers, many of whom hailed from Bartholomew County — the southern Indiana county Mike Pence is also from. It was Wednesday morning, before the insurrectionists had breached the US Capitol. Standing on the Capitol grounds, Young explained his vote to certify the Electoral College results, in a planned meeting arranged by the group with the senator's office.

"My opinion doesn't matter, and you know what, when it comes to the law, our opinions don't matter — the law matters," he said, his voice cracking as he explained his vote to members of his Trumpian base. "I took an oath under God. Under God. I took an oath. Do we still take that seriously in that country?"

The January 6 video — shared on Twitter by a Washington Post reporter — went viral, racking up 1.4 million views. A ramrod Republican speaking truth to Trump backers was newsworthy. Later that week, asked by a reporter whether Trump was culpable for an insurrection that left a Capitol Police officer and four others dead, Young told The Indianapolis Star , "Of course he is — he's the president." Young, who faces a reelection bid back home in 2022, didn't vote a couple of days later to convict the president during his Senate impeachment trial. "I remain troubled and saddened by the events leading up to and on the day of the Capitol riots," he said in a statement at the time, saying it was "improper" for the president to be subject to the proceeding.

I asked Young if he still thought Trump bore some responsibility for the events of January 6. "I still believe that the president of the United States has an outsized responsibility as president to reassure people, to be truthful to people, and that applies to every president in every circumstance," he said. "It also applies to every other elected official."

Young was the behind-the-scenes operator who made Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett's nomination happen, lobbying Trump and fellow senators on her controversial preelection nomination in 2020 and guiding her through her move to DC.
Rod Lamkey/Getty Images

The Twitter video was also probably the first time many outside Indiana have seen or heard from the senator. He works hard to operate under the radar and eschews the Capitol hallway interviews that often lead to mentions in the national press. He stayed away from Sunday-morning shows during the Trump era, though Young routinely fields questions from Indiana journalists.

The low profile, Young and aides say, was by design. In part, he was a freshman lawmaker who wanted to build relationships rather than spouting off on news of the day. Young grew tired of being asked about the latest Trump tweet. Once, at a Senate Republican leadership press conference in 2019, a CNN reporter asked McConnell about his great-great-grandfather being a slave owner in Alabama. A reporter caught Young turning to a staffer and saying, "I am so sick of this shit." (Asked about the remark, a Young aide told me, "I'll let that stand on its own.") Young adheres to the old-fashioned, and perhaps no longer valid, ideal that voters prefer a workhorse to a show horse, he told me.

If Biden is going to score legislative compromises in this age of disunity, chances are Young will be one of the senators involved. His DC portfolio so far may also point to the kind of issues where Biden may find common cause with other Republicans, including under-the-radar topics like housing affordability and particularly foreign policy.

"He's a throwback," Josh Holmes, former chief of staff and campaign manager to Sen. Mitch McConnell, told me, referencing the days of Lugar.

"Serious and thoughtful," said Coons, Young's closest friend on the Democratic side.

"I do think he is growing into a very capable legislator," added Coons, who is also a close confidant of his fellow Delawarean Joe Biden. "Someone who's respected in my caucus as well as his, and who's able to be an effective partisan and yet work across the aisle and deliver legislative solutions."

How does an arch-conservative from a state Trump won by 16 points in 2020 end up co-authoring dozens of bills with Democrats?

"I'm a conservative," Young told me as we zipped to one of his Indianapolis appointments in an aide's SUV in early March, a few weeks before we met on the soccer field. "A temperamental, dispositional conservative — whatever language you might choose — who believes that our party clearly needs to adapt to the times, which means not only showing up where we're not invited, to reach out to other individuals and make the argument that our policy agenda is more equipped to meet the needs of people, but also show up and do a lot of listening, that we can change our policy agenda to meet the times in certain areas," Young said. "I'm also unapologetically pragmatic."

When he went to the White House in February with nine other Republicans to discuss a doomed bipartisan COVID-19 relief deal, Young had a message to deliver to Biden.

"Mr. President," Young told him, "thank you so much for inviting us here. This feels so normal ."

The understated admission from a Senate Republican in this shirts-and-skins political moment was telling. Never mind that Young didn't accuse Biden of being a hologram or senile or, in these outlandish and dissonant times, both.

"You cannot keep a party together, congeal a majority party, based on anger and resentment," Young said to an Indianapolis TV station in January. "Instead, it takes empathy and actual resolution of challenges that people are facing."

The past few months have been eventful for Young, starting with an unsuccessful but lauded overtime performance as chairman of the Senate GOP's campaign arm. He lost both of the Georgia Senate races despite presiding over record-breaking fundraising. Young, who has rarely grabbed national headlines during his first term, made news after calling Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene "nutty" and "an embarrassment to our party." Meanwhile, an endorsement from Trump for his reelection bid remains up in the air. An aide to Young declined to comment on an Axios repor t that Trump's political operation had left the senator twisting in the wind.

How does the party of Dick Lugar — the genteel statesman whose towering legislative work encompassed deactivating 7,600 nuclear warheads and involved mentoring Sen. Barack Obama in foreign affairs — become the party of Trump? And where's it going next? If anyone has answers, it's Young, who learned foreign policy from Lugar and has held his own in the Trumpian GOP.

Born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Young grew up in Carmel, the son of a small-business owner, a shy kid. A childhood acquaintance told me Young had a distaste for bullies. On the soccer field, he earned the nickname "Bulldog." He played in college, in Annapolis at the Naval Academy, as a midfielder, and he graduated cum laude in 1995 with a degree in political science. He joined the Marines as an officer and served as a rifleman. He was discharged honorably in 2000, a year before he could have been pulled into foreign combat after 9/11.

Young's restless intellect led him to two master's degrees and a law degree over the next six years. He got an MBA at the University of Chicago while working as a recruiter by day and taking courses at night, before studying at the University of London.

He then turned his attention to Washington, landing a job as a policy advisor to Lugar on energy issues, where he worked for a few years. Young then left DC to help staff Mitch Daniels' gubernatorial campaign.

At Indiana University's Robert H. McKinney School of Law, the once shy kid had disciplined himself to be more outgoing. He passed out business cards to the politically like-minded, a fellow student told me. He became president of the school's chapter of the Federalist Society. Young met Jennifer Tucker, the niece of former Vice President Dan Quayle, and soon married into a powerful Hoosier political family. He worked as a county prosecutor in Southern Indiana.

Sen. Todd Young during a January 2019 visit to the US Capitol from then-President Trump.
Alex Wong/Getty Images

Amid the tea party wave of 2010, Young picked off moderate Democratic Rep. Barron Hill, by campaigning against the former Hoosier high-school basketball star on Obamacare. Young went on to serve three terms in the US House.

When Sen. Dan Coats announced his retirement, in 2015, Young entered a crowded Republican field to replace him. A Hoosier "Game of Thrones" cleared his path: Gov. Mike Pence's lieutenant governor, Sue Ellspermann, resigned and selected Coats aide Eric Holcomb as her replacement. That freed Young up to consolidate moderate voters in the GOP primary. Former Democratic Sen. Evan Bayh — as close to Indiana political royalty as there is — entered the race to make it back to Capitol Hill. But Young trounced him by 9 points, notching another political upset.

In his first term, Young has focused on an unusual set of policy issues for a red - state senator. His "Fair Shot Agenda," focusing on affordable housing, emphasizes faith-based options.

A few weeks before we met on the soccer field, Young aides invited me to shadow him as he visited the Shepherd Community Center on Indianapolis' east side. It's part food bank, part school for disadvantaged students. Nearly half the residents in the surrounding neighborhood live below the poverty line. The place serves nearly 40,000 meals annually, so not a location where you'd find a typical Republican showing face and trying to connect with voters. "Why does a conservative care about childcare or housing affordability or transportation to primary-care physicians or to jobs? One should care about it because it's practical to care about it," Young told me.

As we toured the school, we popped into a third-grade classroom. A teacher introduced him as an important government leader. "Are you the president of the United States?" a young boy asked. Young explained that he was a US senator.

"Have you met Joe Biden?" another boy asked him.

"I have met Joe Biden," Young said. "He wants you to study hard."

The students gasped. A boy who said his name was David said "Whaaat?" In disbelief.

"I'll tell him David in Indianapolis says 'hi,'" Young said.

He took a photo with the students and headed to his next appointment. (An aide later told me Young's chief of staff planned to ask Biden's legislative-affairs person to write a letter to the class.)

Beyond domestic issues, such as anti-poverty efforts, Young took an interest in global diplomacy, as did Lugar. He sits on the Foreign Relations Committee, a panel that his ex-boss once chaired. He held up a Trump State Department nominee in 2017 as he tried to push for an end to a Saudi Arabian blockade of Yemen as millions starved — a bold move for a freshman senator. Young hand-delivered a letter to then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. In the end, Young won.

In January, Young criticized Tillerson successor Mike Pompeo over his decision to declare the Houthi movement in Yemen as a terrorist organization as "yet another misstep in the United States' years long misguided approach to the conflict in Yemen." Jake Sullivan, the president's national security advisor, retweeted Young, adding: Agree with @SenToddYoung on last-minute terrorist designation of Houthi Movement."

He has teamed up with Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia, the former vice-presidential running mate of Hillary Clinton in 2016, to curtail presidential war powers. And he's working with Democratic Sen. Brian Schatz of Hawaii on a Global Press Freedom Act , which would create a State Department position for an ambassador at large for press freedom.

"He's as conservative as the day is long — economically, socially, culturally," Holmes, the former McConnell hand, told me. "His foreign-policy views aren't easily fit into a box."

I couldn't help but ask Young what Lugar would make of the GOP today. In my final interview with Lugar, in November 2017, two years before he died at age 87, he lamented Trump's leadership and told me he hadn't "demonstrated civility" and called the then president "bombastic." Young, of course, can't say those same things in the same way that Lugar did. They would certainly be fodder for a primary opponent.

"I think he'd be disappointed less in the GOP than more broadly in the United States Senate as an institution," Young told me of Lugar. "And the extent to which we engage in cross-party collaboration, I think he'd be proud that I'm among those legislators that have found a way to stay true to my principles and work with people on the other side of the aisle.

"So I think he, no doubt, would prefer a more intellectually friendly environment for people like himself, right, more cerebral environments as we rethink domestic and national challenges and how we might address them. If we're going to meet the needs of people who feel like they have not benefited from globalization, urbanization, and automation, and lost agency, and seen their communities hollow out, we're going to have to adopt new and more thoughtful solutions."

Sen. Todd Young smiles during fellow Hoosier Pete Buttigieg's January 2021 Senate confirmation hearing to be Transportation secretary.
Stefani Reynolds/Getty Images

What does Young really think of Trump? In November, the former Watergate chronicler Carl Bernstein tweeted that Young was among 21 senators who "repeatedly express contempt" for Trump, criticizing them for what he called their "craven silence."

At the time, Young's office denied the report. "These unsourced rumors don't deserve a response," his office said in a statement. "It's clear Senator Young has a great working relationship with President Trump that has yielded several historic wins for Indiana, including a Hoosier justice on the Supreme Court."

I asked Young again about the Bernstein reporting. "I did not talk with Carl," Young told me. "We can go off the record here." We went off the record.

Back on the soccer field that Friday in March, an aide let me know my time was almost up. Nearby, a high-school men's lacrosse squad worked a series of drills.

How do you write a balanced piece about Todd Young, as the senator ever so delicately implored me to do by deftly — and to be certain, jokingly — using video of my bungled pass as leverage? You cannot without mentioning that his own Republican Party, a party that he has become a leader in, opened up a front in the MAGA-fueled culture war by using the NFL as a wedge. I thought of Pence, the former vice president and fellow Hoosier, when he walked out of an Indianapolis Colts game at Lucas Oil Stadium after some San Francisco 49ers players knelt, a stunt that cost taxpayers $32,500 .

As we passed the soccer ball back and forth, I questioned Young's ideas about sports having the ability to heal the nation. Elsewhere as we talked, Republican state lawmakers in nearly two dozen states were weighing whether to bar transgender women athletes from playing high-school sports. Sure, Democrats such as Coons see Young as a thoughtful and serious-minded legislator. It's also easy to be dubious about his ideas about sports as a national salve for the civic wounds of the Trump era. Even "The West Wing" creator Aaron Sorkin — he of the romanticized political dramedy — might have discarded such a premise. As I was closing this piece, the former president of his own party issued a statement arguing for a boycott of Major League Baseball.

Should transgender women be able to participate in high-school sports?

"I think a biological male should play boys' sports," he said. "I think a biological female should play girls' sports. But I know this is a very difficult issue and needs to be handled sensitively."

Isn't your party using this as a cultural-wedge issue? I asked him. He both-sided his answer.

"There are probably some in my party who regard this as an opportunity to make political hay, sure," Young replied. "It's an issue that needs to be wrestled with in our public policy, and I think there are plenty of liberal Democrats who are using it to excite, incite, and anger their base into contributing money and getting out their vote. So I don't want to diminish the importance of this as a matter of public policy. But yeah, I'm not part of any efforts to divide people. In fact, even on these issues, I'm doing what I can to try and cool down the temperature." Young is planning a series of speeches—and perhaps a book—laying out his vision of the Republican Party's future, which presumably doesn't include calling for a boycott of all three major sports leagues.

It's hard to see Biden's or Young's idea of returning to a kinder, gentler, Lugar-like era of politics ever coming to fruition. Those days are long gone. It's hard to imagine that Lugar could ever win a Republican primary in Indiana. Even though his aides are sweating the possibility of a primary challenge — no plausible candidates have yet surfaced for the 2022 race — Todd Young still can win. (Interestingly, Mike Schmuhl, his fellow Hoosier Buttigieg's former presidential campaign manager, recently took over as chairman of the Indiana Democratic Party. His first task: recruiting someone to challenge Young, who an aide says is on track to raise $1 million in the first quarter.)

But Young cannot calm the culture wars playing out across the nation on high-school athletic fields like this one.  Back in DC, he can at least protect the sanctity of the Senate locker room, where he's been cooking up a plan on combating China with Schumer and no doubt the place that will be one of the hot spots for any other bipartisan deals that come over the next few years. And where else would the sports-loving consummate insider and legislative dealmaker want to be?

"I don't want to get into great detail about the locker-room stuff — otherwise, the locker-room loses its effectiveness," Young told me as we wrapped up the interview. "But I don't mind telling you that's where our conversations began — and continue."

— With reporting by Warren Rojas and Kayla Epstein.

Via PakApNews

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