The inside joke used to be that Biden’s speechwriter had the toughest job in DC. As president, he’s sticking to his script (so far).

  • Biden's focused, scripted messaging on COVID relief marks a big change from his Senate, VP, and campaign days.
  • That's bound to change when the president holds his first news conference on March 25.
  • Democratic insiders say Biden's consistency helped him get elected and distinguished him from Trump.
  • See more stories on Insider's business page .

Scripted, focused, concise.

President Joe Biden's messaging on COVID relief has been a marked departure from then-President Donald Trump's wild rhetorical rides while the deadly virus ravaged America.

It's also a big change for Biden, and Democratic insiders who know the president well can't help but take notice.

After all, Biden's verbosity and propensity for verbal gaffes were standard late-night TV punch lines throughout his career as a senator for 36 years, two-term vice president, and three-time presidential candidate.

Now, he's largely sticking to the message crafted by his White House speechwriters, communications staffers, and other top aides. It was the case when he delivered his first primetime address to the nation last week in under 24 minutes. In earlier times, that would have been a pipe dream for Biden.

"It is amazing," said Kathleen Hall Jamieson, a University of Pennsylvania communications professor who has studied presidential messaging for decades. "If you [had] watched Biden's career, and said I'm going to project a presidency out of what I know of Biden as a senator, this is not what you'd project."

People who have known Biden for years are quick to recall his tendency to keep talking...and talking...and talking. To the chagrin of his aides and spinmeisters, Biden was renowned for the fact he could say just about anything.

"His speeches were loaded with personal anecdotes and asides, and back and forth with the crowd or the moderator," said Ben LaBolt, a Democratic strategist who was a White House deputy press secretary under President Barack Obama and then-Vice President Biden.

The inside joke, LaBolt added, was that Biden's speechwriters had the toughest job in Washington.

Then-Sen. Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton participate in the first Democratic debate of the 2008 presidential campaign on April 26, 2007, at South Carolina State University in Orangeburg, South Carolina.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Self awareness

Biden is no doubt aware of his propensity to go off script.

Back during a 2007 presidential primary debate he got asked if he would have the verbal discipline needed on the world stage.

"Yes," was Biden's one-word response — a memorable laugh line, and one offering proof that he could rein it in.

Fast forward 14 years and it's mostly that Biden — the one who can hold his tongue when needed — who has shown up to occupy the Oval Office and help comfort a mourning nation.

Democratic insiders say Biden's consistency and ability to stay on message helped him get elected president in 2020 by distinguishing himself from Trump, an incumbent Republican whose messaging strategy was driven by whatever he felt like tweeting.

Not all are fans of scripted Biden.

Journalists say he's gone too long without holding a news conference where he can field a wide range of questions on various topics. Republicans are giving the White House grief for the lack of a Biden presser too.

"Americans deserve answers on our border crisis, continued school closures, & his job-killing energy agenda," the Republican National Committee recently tweeted .

But Democrats aren't fazed. They say it's more important that Biden spent his time focused on getting his $1.9 trillion COVID relief package signed into law than worrying about doing live Q&A sessions with reporters.

"I think if it were a choice, most people would prefer that a president focus full time on putting policies in place that are going to solve the problems we have," said Phil Schiliro, a former Obama White House legislative affairs director and presidential advisor.

"I don't follow the polling every day, but the number that I've seen said, 'Whatever you're doing, keep it up because it's working,'" added Sen. Tom Carper, a Delaware Democrat who served alongside Biden in the Senate.

President Barack Obama, surrounded by administration officials, speaks about the Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing by General Motors June 1, 2009 from the White House in Washington, DC.
Win McNamee/Getty Images

Off-script opportunities ahead

There's a tried and tested strategy for keeping Biden's messages targeted. It originated as one of the big lessons learned during the early days of the Obama administration.

White House aides felt Obama's personal handling of too many first-term announcements kept him from focusing on the president's macro message, LaBolt said.

"It didn't create the aura that you want with a presidential appearance because he was being overused and he was out on too many messages," LaBolt said. "I think President Biden is starting from a place of, 'Let's go out on the one key message we want to communicate, let's make sure that presidential appearances demonstrate that this is on the most important topic of the day.'"

But there will also be plenty of opportunities for Biden to go off-script.

On Monday, Biden began his "Help is Here" public-relations blitz to promote the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package that he signed last week. He visited a small business Tuesday afternoon in Chester, Pennsylvania. On Wednesday, Biden's interview with George Stephanopoulos will air on ABC's Good Morning America .

There are also plans for the president to travel with Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday to Atlanta, Georgia.

And most notably, White House press secretary Jen Psaki confirmed on Tuesday that Biden is going to hold his first formal press conference on March 25.

President Joe Biden participates in a CNN town hall at the Pabst Theater in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, February 16, 2021.
SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

'Don't be scared, honey'

Biden being Biden does have its pluses.

As president, he's said he wants to speak directly to Americans about how the rescue plan "meets the moment." Democrats recognize that his one-on-one interactions with everyday people can be a place for Biden's empathy to shine.

During a CNN Town Hall in February, for example, he comforted an 8-year-old girl who was worried about dying from COVID.

"Don't be scared, honey," the president responded, speaking directly to her in an exchange that CNN's Chris Cilizza wrote "would have been unimaginable during Trump's presidency."

But free-wheeling formats that let Biden be himself can also be fraught with rhetorical dangers.

Earlier this month, Biden's off-the-cuff comment to reporters about likening rollbacks of COVID restrictions in states like Texas and Mississippi to "Neanderthal thinking" became a big story in conservative media and sparked a backlash from Republicans.

"He should apologize for his insensitive comments and seek training on unconscious bias," Sen. Marco Rubio, (R-Florida) tweeted .

Even with a script, there could still be trouble. Fact checkers dinged Biden for misleading and exaggerated statements during his March 11 primetime address, and noted he made an inaccurate comparison between the number of COVID-19 and war deaths.

One former Obama White House official said the Biden of today has "mellowed" and is a "more disciplined thinker and speaker" from the Biden of 20 or 30 years ago.

"All of us who have been in politics for a long time are kind of used to these monologues that Biden used to do back in the day," the former official said. "I just don't think that's who he is anymore."

Biden's history in the Senate might have suggested he'd adopt a presidential communications style akin to former President Bill Clinton's: "Charming, accessible but taken off the point fairly easily," Hall Jamieson said. "And you would have thought we were going to have endless speeches."

Instead, Biden speaks less frequently than expected and he seems to have an outline or often a script in hand — a strategically smart move, given the gravity of the moment and the need to create a contrast with Trump, Hall Jamieson said.

Some of the more powerful communications of Biden's initial days as president involved engaging the nation in ritual, something Trump didn't know how to do, she said. Examples include the candlelight vigil and moment of silence at the White House to mourn 500,000 COVID deaths in the US and pausing to acknowledge that reality during his primetime address on the 1-year anniversary of the COVID shutdown.

"That's a focus on letting the nation understand, experience and move past the tragedy," Hall Jamieson said. "And I can't imagine Trump doing it."

Warren Rojas contributed to this story.

Via PakApNews

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